From a Chef

5 healthy ways to top your bub’s porridge

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Baby porridge is a great filling breakfast and let’s be honest, us mums who wish for more sleep at night will serve it for dessert as well.

Baby porridge, such as Bubs Organic Banana and Apricot Power Porridge is great on its own but if you’re looking to introduce some new flavours or bulk it up some more, there’s always a way. Made from fruit combined with four ancient super grains: organic amaranth, flaxseed, brown rice and millet, it’s packed with nutrients!

You can also include spices in some of the options as they’re great for naturally bringing sweet flavours into your little one’s diet without the need for adding sugar or fruit.

Give these options a try

1. Yoghurt & crushed seeds

I’ll often halve the amount of water I’m using to make the porridge and replace the rest with a good quality yoghurt that has no sugars or fruit. Then I’ll blitz some seeds (chia is my pick) and I’ll sprinkle half a teaspoon over the top.

2. Pumpkin & cinnamon

I adore my own porridge with this so why not get your little ones eating it too?  Mash a tablespoon or two of cooked pumpkin and stir it through the porridge before sprinkling with ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon.

3. Kefir & vanilla

Kefir is a fermented yoghurt full of probiotics. It’s rather sour so a sprinkle of vanilla will help, but who knows, your little one may love it as it is. Just a few tablespoons of kefir and a ¼ teaspoon of vanilla will do nicely.

4. Mango & vanilla

Grab some frozen mango and pop it in the same bowl as the boiling water with Bubs Australian Goat Milk Toddler Drink when you’re making up the porridge. Use a fork to break it up really well.

5. Sweet potato & five spice

This one sounds a little unusual but millions of Canadians will only eat their sweet potato when covered in these spices. The five spices has a lot of cinnamon and vanilla in it so it’s sure to be a winner. Like the mango option, mash the cooked sweet potato through the liquid mixture before stirring in the milk powder. 


About the author Stacey Clare

Stacey is a mum to two young boys and an accredited health coach to the masses. She spends her days running after her busy babes who always seem to be getting into something. Her nights are spent cooking for her website or helping other mummas on their own family's health journey in her health-coaching services.

If you have a story about trying goat milk, send it to We’d love to chat to you!